About Us
Turning Thoughts Into Actions
Founded by Sara Rose Salih in 2021, The Usual Artspects is a 501c3 non-profit organization where creativity meets healing. The proceeds from our art shows, vendor markets, concerts, and silent auctions go towards creating affordable and healing programs for women who have survived sexual assault and trauma.

Our Mission
The mission of The Usual Artspects is to provide healing and empowerment through art for female sexual abuse survivors and improve the quality of their life mentally, emotionally, and physically. Through a safe supportive environment, we provide advocacy, awareness, community, education, and resources for survivors through various art and social events, along with artistic therapeutic healing programs and workshops.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide prevention education that promotes social change to end sexual abuse and design affordable artistic programs of healing for survivors. We will do this through diverse and self-expressive programs of Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Dance Therapy, Writing Therapy, and Martial Arts/Self-Defense Classes.
Heal the Cause
Some Facts About Female Sexual Abuse
In the U.S., one in three women will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime.
17, 700,000 women have been victims of rape since 1998.
Over 94 % of perpetrators of sexual violence walk free.
94% of women who are raped experience symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
91% of victims do not report to law enforcement.
90% of children who are victims of abuse know their abuser.
70% of rape or sexual assault victims experience moderate to sever distress. A larger percentage than for any other crime.
33% of female rape survivors will contemplate suicide.
Through these horrifying statistics, statistics and studies show that sexual abuse impacts each and every family. Your sisters, your mothers, your wives, your daughters. These numbers are unacceptable and The Usual Artspects is working hard to awaken awareness on this very serious, very real issue that millions of American women face each and every day.
When left untreated, side effects of sexual trauma include (but are not limited to):
Alcohol Abuse
Auto Immune Disease
Bi-Polar Disorder
Body Image Issues
Borderline Personality Disorder
Chronic Pain
Dissociative Disorder
Drug Use
Eating Disorders
Fertility Disorders
Nightmares & Night Terrors
Panic Disorders
Self-Esteem Issues
Sexual Disorders
Toxic and Co-Dependent Relationships
Trauma Bonding
Trust Issues